Bio Design & DNA Experiment
Week 02: Identifying an Unknown Antibiotic Resistance Gene
In this week’s lab, we are working withe the Addgene plasmids pPSU1 and pPSU2, which can later be used as a reference ladder in order to measure the sizes of DNA fragments after an enzymatic reaction. The enzymes we use for the lab are Pstl-HF and EcoRV-HF which are restriction enzymes that cut DNA at specific DNA sequences. The EcoRV cuts at the sequence “GATATC” and the Pstl enzyme cuts at “CTGCAG”, meaning that these enzymes are able to cut the two plasmids.
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![Homework page 2](images\Homework 02_Page_2.jpg)
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![Homework page 3](images\Homework 02_Page_4.jpg)
![Homework page 3](images\Homework 02_Page_5.jpg)